Monday, June 10, 2013

SPN Sludge Experiment

The purpose of my lab was to observe the effects of the SPN Sludge on a banana peel; see how the banana peel would deteriorate when the sludge was mixed with three different liquids. At first, my idea was to try and propose my experiment as a means of composting, but after carrying out the experiment, I'm not exactly sure what it could be used for. I sort of went outside of the whole composting idea, and I ended up with more of a petrified banana peel.

         Two 500 mL beakers
        Two 200 mL beakers
        600 mL of SPN Sludge
        3 plastic bowls
        150 mL water
        150 mL Ethanol 
        Plastic Wrap
        One Banana Peel

  1. Wash all beakers and bowls if necessary
  2. Tear banana peel into three pieces (getting then as equal as possible)
  3. Place the banana pieces into the three bowls
  4. Put 150 mL water in 200 mL beaker; put 150 mL Ethanol in 200 mL beaker
  5. Fill up 500 mL beakers with 300 mL Sludge
  6. In one beaker of sludge, pour in water, making sure to dampen all fibers (IMPORTANT: There will be excess water in the beaker, DO NOT pour out the extra water!)
  7. In the other beaker of sludge, pour in the Ethanol, making sure to dampen all fibers (IMPORTANT: There will be excess Ethanol, DO NOT pour out the extra Ethanol!)
  8. One piece of banana peel will be the control group; leave it in the bowl by itself, and wrap with plastic wrap
  9. In second bowl, pour in water-sludge mix, and cover with plastic wrap (Try to get as much of the left over water into the bowl, just so you know that it was as close to 150 mL as you could get)
  10. In third bowl, pour in Ethanol-sludge mix, and cover with plastic wrap (Try to get as much of the left over Ethanol into the bowl, just so you know that it was as close to 150 mL as you could get)
  11. Clean around lab area, wash out beakers and return then to their cupboards
        My "Control Group" banana looked like a regular rotted banana. It was a blackish-yellow color, and still had some give to the skin. 
This is what each piece of banana peel looked like right before I added the mixed sludge.
 The peel that I mixed with water and sludge was a lot more yellow than the control banana. It was more moist, and the texture was that of a banana that had been left in water.

The piece of banana peel that I mixed with Ethanol and sludge is the one that interests me most. Ethanol not only evaporates quickly, but it also sucks the moisture out of what it is near. The banana peel that was doused in Ethanol was, not crunchy, but stiff. It was completely black, and almost rubbery. 
From top to bottom: Control Banana Peel; Water and Sludge banana peel; Ethanol and sludge banana peel

There is a liquid produced by fruits called "fruit enzyme," which is made by adding lemon and sugar to a fruit, and letting it sit for 2-3 weeks, fermenting. This liquid has a high alcohol and juice residue content. There is no other evidence of any additional ingredients. Many people will keep this enzyme in their homes and drink it before meals, with hope that it will aid in their maladies. )

Enzymes are linked to the ripeness of fruits, because after a food has been taken from the whole of the plant it grows from, the chemistry of its enzymes change, which I just learned. (Using bananas as examples, they undergo a chemical change as they rot, they change in color and appearance; this change cannot be reversed or altered.) many foods will keep ripening after they have been harvested, and many will not. A banana, if chosen while still green, will seem to ripen for a few days after it has been removed from the tree (or the store). But I wonder, is the banana actually ripening, or is it just rotting? Have we titled the rot, ripe? Do we call a yellow banana ripe because that is when it is sweet? I believe that as soon as we remove a banana from its tree, it begins to rot, not ripen.
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The enzyme that turns bananas brown is called polyphenol oxidase. This enzyme reacts with the oxygen in the air to coat the banana in a "rust," thus, a brown banana. Putting lemon on the banana, heating it, and/or using an air-tight container to keep it in.
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When carrying out my lab, I failed to have this epiphany sooner. Instead of having only three separate bowls with banana peel in them, I should have had seven. Branching off from the Water/Sludge and Ethanol/Sludge bowls, I should have had one bowl with just water on the banana, and one with just sludge. I also should have had one bowl with just ethanol on the banana, and one with just sludge. I also did not weigh my banana peel, which I should have done. I then could have found the molar mass.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Specific Heat of an Unknown Metal

The purpose of this lab was to use the specific heat equation to find the specific heat of an unknown metal.
                                      Specific Heats                      J/g°C
                                      Water                                    4.184
                                      Aluminium                              0.894
                                      Brass                                     0.385
                                      Copper                                  0.385
                                      Lead                                      0.129
                                      Stainless Steal                        0.490
                                      Zinc                                       0.390
Specific Heat Equation:
                              Qw= MwCw(/\T)w

  •  Choose metal
  • Weigh empty beaker
  • Weigh beaker with 125 mL water in it
  • Weigh metal
  • Weigh beaker with metal and water in it
  • Find initial water temp
  • Heat  beaker with water and metal in it
  • When water boils, turn off hot plate and measure water temperature with probe
  • Take metal out of heated water, drop into second beaker of room temperature water
  • Record temp change in second beaker with temperature probe
  • Clean up materials

  • Beaker- 96.273g
  • Water- 124mL
  • Beaker w/water- 217.01g
  • Metal- 87.466g
  • Beaker w/metal w/water- 304.20g
Beaker 1 (Initial temperature) - 21.0 degrees Celsius
Beaker 2 (Initial temperature) - 21.1 degrees Celsius
Boiling water w/metal - 99.9 degrees Celsius
Metal in 2nd Beaker - 22.5 degrees Celsius

          (Refer to data above)
                22.5 degrees Celsius - 21.1 degrees Celsius= 1.4 degrees Celsius
                217.01g beaker/H2O - 96.273g beaker = 120.737g Water
                120.737g H2O x 4.184 x 1.4 = 707.23
We predicted that our metal was Lead not only because of the heat retained, but also because it wrote like a pencil. It left a significant amount of black on anything it touched.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reaction on Barium Chloride and Copper(II) Sulfate

 Obtain two beakers which hold 100mL of liquid each
 Put 35mL Barium Chloride in one beaker, and 35mL of Copper (II) Sulfate in the other (for measurement purposes).
Pour the two together in one beaker, and record any changes you see, hear, or feel on the outside of the beaker.
Clean up materials, making sure to properly dispose of chemicals used.
CuSO4 +BaCl2---> BaSO4 + CuCl
Formation of a precipitate
Should see a cloudy blue liquid form

Once we put the Barium Chloride and Copper(II) Sulfate together, they began to form together. At first, they looked separated, but within a few seconds it almost looked like the chemicals were pushing into each other. The color was a really light blue at first, but got a tiny bit darker within 5-10 minutes.

We left the precipitate in a plastic cup for about two weeks, and it began to oxidize, and get harder and turn a thicker color of blue.


This is our solution right after we mixed the barium chloride and copper (II) sulfate together.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Naming Molecular Compounds

Naming molecular compounds gave me some trouble, because I didn't know when to use the prefixes on the first element and when to use them on the second element. I'm not sure when, but at some point it just made sense; You use the appropriate prefix on the first element when it has more than one atom of that element. You use mono- on the second element if there is only one atom of that element, and if there is more than one of the second element you use the appropriate prefix.
To know when to use prefixes for molecular compounds, you look at the chemical formula. Molecular formulas are not ionic formulas. Most of the molecular compounds we are dealing with are binary, meaning there are only two combined elements. At the end of every second element, you replace the ending with the suffix -ide.